The main topic of this paragraph is to talk about washing your hands and keeping your hands clean. A few reasons why hygiene is so important for people is because good hygiene can save lives, like if you freguently wash your hands then that stops to spead of germs that can make you sick with anything like the flu or even covid. Without washing your hands the risk of getting yourself sick becomes higher and no one likes getting sick.
When you brush your teeth,you help remove food and plague. And when you dont brush your teeth your breath begins to stink, and no one likes stinky breath. So keep brushing your teeth, also if you dont brush your teeth for a long period of time they can begin to rot or create cavities which can also cause your breath to not smell good.
Good personal hygiene involes kepping all parts of the bodt clean and healthy.It is so important to maintain both physical health, if someone has poor hygieine it could lead to an infection. Good personal hygiene saves lives and hand hygiene could be crucial in the fight against antibiotics.
Bad hygiene could lead to alot of aweful things, for example, not washing your hands after use of the toilet and then you eat something that you use your hands for, youre basically eating your pee or poop which is nasty! Poor hygiene can create breeding spaces for viruses and bacteria that can cause serious infections like gastroenteritis. This condition refers to an inflammation of the stomach lining due to an infection.Most people who have poor hygiene disheveled hair and clothes, body oder, bad breath, missing teeth, and are often seen as nasty or dirty and no one wants to be seen like that.
Showering removes bacteria from the skin, which means is also washes off the bacteria that help the body protecrs itself from infection. The soaps and shampoos that people use when showering can dry out the skin and hair, leading to craked stink and split ends and those arent very fun to deal with. Not showering can cause body oder and greasy hair on most cases, SO JUST TAKE A SHOWER!!
Created by Whitney, Oct,1st,2021,©
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